Find your Perfect Domain Name:
- .com RM 58.00
- .net RM 58.00
- .org RM 66.00
- .my RM 127.20
- RM 84.80
Perfect Web Security Package for you
Nasty advanced threats can hide in plain sight on legitimate websites or in enticing pop-up ads. Employees or guests may put your organization at risk by clicking where they shouldn’t.RapidCloud offers a variety of security solutions that include Anti-DDoS security, Web Application Firewall, mobile security, and access management that help organizations safeguard their data and overcome all types of security threats while enjoying the benefits of developing technologies
Always on Watch
Speed Up Your Website
Sucuri Firewall
SSL Trust Certificates
Ssl Certificates
Why You Need Website Security
Server Level Protection
If a major vulnerability appears, we develop & apply server-level fixes.
Account Isolation
Your website will be safe even if there are vulnerable accounts.
Daily Backups
We keep up to 30 daily backup copies of your WordPress site.
Better Perfomance
Website security software improves the overall website load time.
Improve SEO Ranking
Ramping up their search engine crawler providing a safe environment for surfing.
CDN Integration
Known as "Content Delivery Network",as a data center
What more we offer